Monday, December 8, 2008


what you feel now greatly depends on how you process your thoughts and how you rationalize the situation. as long as you have full control of your brain and only feed it with the right information, justifying things fairly and rationally, emotions will follow on smoothly.

the brain is all powerful. it controls our physical body and and also of our complicated human emotions. what you put in your mind, greatly affects on what you will feel afterwards.

i already tried numbing myself from pain by being rational and reasonable, taking all the responsibility of what's happening. it works! though the pain is not 100% cured, but it greatly subsided to a very tolerable level. :)

if you take responsibility on your life, you will find it easier to change things. but if you can't help but blame others for what's happening, then you will surely feel helpless on things.

do not try to change other people to accomodate your request, to achieve your goals. make the necessary changes to yourself ( the one you have full control) to change what's gonna happen next.

it's on how you view things that affects your emotions. if you correct a mistake by doing another mistake, then you will most likely end up lonely and miserable.

but if you start making even small changes and gradually fixing the errors, you will eventually feel relieved.

remember, for every mistake done, there is a corresponding consequence. if you think other people have wronged you, deceived you, let them be. God sees all things. continue doing what is right, trying as much as possible to avoid hurting others in the process of acquiring your happiness.

the endurance will work on you and will eventually turn you into a much stronger person: milder, calm, kind, and has loads of self-control. :)


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