Wednesday, March 18, 2009

software engineers

all of us know that US recession has affected a big part of world's business.
many companies has shut down, several has laid off its employees.
but if you're keen on job searches you'll notice that opportunities for IT professionals still top the list.
of course, we could expect that the offered salary will not be as high as before, since there is less competition nowadays among employers bagging for the experienced programmers (2 years and up).
those programmers are technically called "Software Engineers" or "Web Developers".
and if there is less employer competition, it means means less "corporate pirates" hehehe..
but still, compared to Operations, those skilled professionals will still get a higher pay.

but if you'll think about it, those IT professionals really deserve to get a higher salary, don't they?
for one, they are building every kind of system we are using in our day to day operations.
automation is everywhere. almost every business process of small and big companies are being automated.
second, their gained knowledge and skills are highly technical. really MIND BOGGLING! (@-@)
for every "call" they try to make among the tags they create, a brain nerve dies. hahaha!

nways.. so i think, the demand for programmers, web developers, software engineers will not falter, at least for the next couple of years.
but, there are lots of people who are into IT nowadays. so that means, there will be a tough competition for the well-paid IT jobs.
Well-paid for me, means a minimum of P40k-P45k monthly at least for those who have 2 years solid experience in programming here in the Philippines. Abroad, i guess they can bid higher. Like a minimum of P80k in Asia and more than P100k in the US. If you're good you can ask for P200k more. :D hehehe..

so for the employed Software Engineers, grab every experience you could get while working for a company. be bold enough to volunteer for the difficult tasks in your team, hold a challenging project, take trainings offered by your employer, or ask your boss to give training/s which you think will help you be a better programmer and of course, continue studying the latest about the industry's technology. (JAVA,, SQL,, etc.)
taking certifications is a plus but i guess, companies now are more interested in skills gained, years of experience, handled projects, knowledge about the industry, etc., etc.

their kind of job is very very very challenging, isn't it? well, at least for me.
could you imagine? they are working on codes, tags, commands; combine them together so they would run harmoniously and become ONE AUTOMATED SYSTEM? it could be a small system for internal use but it could also be a huge and a very complicated system to be used by millions of people worldwide. could you imagine that??? IT project = pressure!!!!

so kudos to all the software engineers out there. :)
you are all smart and highly intelligent people, i suppose.
programming needs a lot of thinking and will surely exhaust a lot of brain nerves from you.
i wish i was a programmer too. but thank God, i'm not.

Grace -> programmer? = sure trouble

hahaha! :p


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